Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Marketing Real Estate Over Internet

The internet has opened up a world of possibilities when it comes to real estate marketing. Nowadays, just about anybody, can do a search on the MLS to find a property from their home computer. They don’t have to pound the pavement, read the Sunday paper, or even talk to a real estate agent! It is estimated that are more than half a million websites online right now tailored towards the real estate market. This internet boom has made some millions of dollars, and has left some of the more traditional real estate agents in the dust.

So the question lies, have you jumped on the internet bandwagon yet? There is a new breed of real estate agent out there. Individuals that make their living solely based on internet traffic. They know the ins and outs of the internet marketing boom, and are using it to get rich. And it’s up to you, to get with the times or be left behind.

What is Virtual Marketing?

Gone are the days of the sales office. Buyers used to drop in to view the available properties and discuss their options with their realtor. Print advertisements and direct mail ruled the day, and there was nothing more important that a good looking business card. Now, potential buyers will email their realtor and browse and view properties all online. They may never even see their real estate agent until they are ready to close the deal.

So you have to adjust your way of thinking. Instead of one-on-one services, and features tailored towards your clients you need to think about speed and ease of use. What does your virtual client need to make their home buying experience easier and more efficient? Each and every property should now be listed online. No EXCUSES! The MLS has made this even easier- and it is essential that you list your properties on the online MLS for maximum exposure. Once you do this, many other realtors will pick up your listings and advertise them on their own sites. Which means free exposure for you.

Things to Consider

When marketing to the online crowd, there are a few things that matter more than others. Branding is done in the form of email addresses and website addresses. You want to choose a brand that is easily remembered and entered into a computer. Avoid hard to spell words, dashes, and long web address. Something as simple as Isellhouses.com can make a big impact on your bottom line. Once these are in place, you can begin to target the online consumer. Buying email lists is a quick and easy way to reach a large group of people quickly, while word of mouth and search engine submissions will help you make an impact over the long haul. Don’t forget to include your website address and email address on every piece of print advertisement that you do, including your business cards.

Web Design

A nice looking website is a must for any real estate marketing campaign. You can try your hand at creating your own site with the use of “What you see, is what you get” (WYSIWYG) editors like Microsoft FrontPage or Macromedia Dream weaver, or you can hire a designer to do the job for you. Web templates are another inexpensive way to get a website up and running with little or no technical knowledge. No matter who makes the site- make sure that it is easy to use and pleasant to look at. Adding in virtual tours and search features are another way to bring in more customers and sell more homes.

Think Outside of the Box

Another big trend when it comes to real estate marketing online has to do with social bookmarking. Blogs and interactive sites like Myspace.com are becoming increasingly popular for certain demographics. Most of them are free to use- so all you have to do is invest a little bit of time and energy into getting them up and running.


Real estate marketing on the internet is still a fairly new thing, so experiment and find out what works and what doesn’t for you.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Finding Motivated Sellers: How About Fsbo's?

Often times it is difficult to know exactly where the motivated sellers are in a market. While there are tricks to the trade to finding them, there is none easier than the “for sale by owner: property. These sellers are often highly motivated, so much so that they know that they will likely end up selling for less than they normally would if they waited around for a realtor to sell their home.

There are a few reasons why an owner chooses to sell their home without the help of a realtor. First of all, a certain percentage often 3% of the sale is given over to the realtors for commission. If the owner does it themselves, they may be able to pocket several thousand dollars. They may also believe that selling the home themselves will sell it quicker. Whatever the reason- such an opportunity could mean big bucks for you as a buyer, if you play your cards right. So then the question becomes: how to do I find the “for sale by owner” seller and how do I go about making the most out of this opportunity.

Finding properties

The first and probably biggest hurdle that you are going to have to overcome, is finding “the for sale by owner” properties. The internet is going to be your best weapon here. While there are a host of websites that offer access to these properties for a monthly or one time fee, you can probably find most of them through online forums and e-zines. Craigslist is one such website that offers its user’s free access to post and respond as needed. So begin your search there. Try doing a search on a search engine for “for sale by owner” properties in your area to see what else you come up with.

Another tried and true method is to drive around looking for yard signs. If there is a hand written sign that is usually a good indication of an FSBO, while other properties will have signage that specifically states that it is a “for sale by owner” deal. When in doubt, call.

The MLS can be another tool that some “for sale by owner” sellers use. Check with your real estate agent to find out what they can do to make your search a little bit easier. And always remember, when looking for motivated sellers- it never hurts to ask!

Making a deal

Once you find a property that is of interest, it’s time to start playing “let’s make a deal.” One of the good things about a “for sale by owner” property is that nobody is there whispering in the sellers ear to hold out for more. While they may be experienced in real estate and understand fair market value and the current state of the real estate market, they could just as easily not be. So you end up gambling. It is also important to remember that the fair market value of a home takes into account the fees associated with selling and marketing that property. So deduct anywhere from 10-15 thousand since they don’t have to pay commission on their “for sale by owner” property. This in and of itself means an instant savings for you!

Potential Downfalls

While the “for sale by owner” property could be a goldmine there are some problems that could arise from such a transaction. First off, you may find a seller that takes each and every offer emotional. Without a realtor to keep them abreast of the market, they may ask for more than the home is actually worth. The buying process can also be complicated without the help of a trained professional. So make sure to do your homework beforehand to get the best deal possible.

All the details

“For sale by owner” properties can be a good deal if you do your research beforehand. Invest a little bit of time getting a feel for the market and the properties available, and you could end up making a killing. Good luck and happy hunting!

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Finding Motivated Sellers: The Power Of A Good Newspaper Advertisement

Finding a motivated seller is like Christmas in July! Not only can you save thousands of dollars, but the sale will usually go through quicker than a traditional real estate transaction. The key is finding the motivated sellers in the market, and then connecting with them. While you have dozens of options when it comes to reaching potential sellers, some of them are better than others.

One of the best tried and true methods to finding the motivated sellers in your market is through the newspaper. Once you know the format and wording to use, the rest is just details. So set aside a few minutes of your time, to learn what works and what doesn’t when it comes to print ads.

Print Ad or Classified?

The type of ad you take out depends on the type of motivated seller that you are trying to find. High end properties may react better to print or graphic ads, while low end properties may respond to classified ads. Your budget is the main concern however, when it comes to placing a newspaper ad. A print ad can run a thousand dollars or more, while a classified advertisement can cost less than $50. My suggestion would be to first try a classified advertisement and see what kind of response you get. Many times one classified ad is all you need to find a plethora of motivated sellers.

The Format

The main goal of any advertisement is to get the phone to ring. You want to find motivated sellers- bottom line. Many will clutter up advertisements with too many details and graphics, when all you really need is a catchy headline and a few key details. Classified ads only need be a few sentences max, while a print ad should have a clear picture of a home and a few key phrases. Simplicity is the best way to go! If you can afford color- choose a bright red title that will grab the reader’s attention.

The size of the ad may also have an effect on your ability to find motivated sellers. Bigger is usually better, but you will want to experiment with this as well.

Timing is Everything!

Having a good understanding of the real estate market will help you plan your next move. Once you know if it’s a buyer or a sellers market, you can begin to advertise accordingly. When you place your newspaper advertisement is just as important. Generally speaking, weekend editions have a higher readership. So if you can afford to advertise in the Saturday and Sunday paper, that is your best bet. You may also be able to find motivated sellers in the daily paper- so try out both to find out what works best for you and your city.

Consistency is Key

A one time advertisement isn’t likely to find many motivated sellers. The more advertisements that you place, the more likely that you will get the response that you need. So place ads daily or weekly for the maximum exposure. Even if the reader isn’t looking to sell right now, they may be in the market to do so a week or a month from now. The more people that know that you are looking for property – the more likely you are to find motivated sellers.

In Summary

Newspaper advertisements can be a great way to find sellers – if you understand how to do it correctly. It may take a little bit of trial and error, but soon you will begin to notice patterns. Certain headlines and wording will get you more phone calls then others – so pay attention to what works and what doesn’t. Doing a bit of research beforehand and knowing what has worked for other buyers can help you find the greatest number of motivated sellers with the least amount of money spent.

Happy hunting!

To claim your FREE CD filled with 7-Golden Secrets to finding motivated sellers please visit http://www.howtofindmotivatedsellers.com/ and get 2 months FREE charter membership to investorfrortune.com

Friday, August 24, 2007

“I Buy Ugly Houses”- And Other Tactics That Can Help You Find Motivated Sellers!

There is nothing better than finding that perfect deal. Whether you are new to the real estate business or an old pro, finding a motivated seller is like winning the lottery. If you play your cards right, you can find a home for far less than the market value. The trick is to figure out how to find the motivated sellers. Working with a real estate agent is your first step to finding motivated sellers. They understand the market and can help you spot the best properties and advise you on how to approach the transactions for optimum profit.

Below are some tips and tricks that have proven successful in finding motivated sellers in your market.

• Major newspapers- print ads can be pricey but a classified ad can cost very little and still be very effective. Kooky headlines like “I buy ugly houses” has proven very effective for some major players. Spend some time browsing through your local paper to see what is already being used. Then take those ideas, tweak them, and then use them yourself.

• Thrifty newspapers- every community has them. Penny savers, thrifty nickels, and other local gems can be a great way to reach an untapped market. Best of all, these ads are super cheap. Imagine finding a motivated seller and only spending $20 dollars for a newspaper ad!

• Signage- strategically placed signs on corners can help find motivated sellers where they work and play. You can also place flyers in local supermarkets or anywhere else that people gather together.

• For Sale by Owner Ads- many motivated sellers try to sell their own properties without the help of a real estate agent, in hopes of making a little bit of money off the deal. Consider approaching these individuals with a deal.

• Work the MLS. Junk property, pre-foreclosures, foreclosures, HUD & VA homes can all be bargains. Pay special attention to expired listings and the DOM (Days on Market). Generally, the longer the property has been listed, the more motivated the seller is.

• Talk to landlords. Find motivated sellers by contacting landlords with properties for rent or those that are evicting a tenant. You may be able to strike up a deal.

• Tax & Estate Sales- In the attempt to avoid high property and estate taxes, many sellers will want to get rid of their properties quick. Which can mean a great bargain for you. Divorces are another reason for motivated sellers, as many tend to be emotional and make deals that they normally wouldn’t consider.

• Problem properties. Many motivated sellers are motivated because they have a problem property on their hands. This could include homes with building code violations, health code violations (like mold), condemned properties, or fire damage. While the property may include a little bit of TLC to make them profitable, you can often get really good deals.

• Out of area owners. If the owner of the home has had to move to another city for job or personal reasons, they may be motivated to move their property. Again the DOM will give you a good indication of how motivated they are.

Getting in touch with motivated sellers

Once you know what to look for, you can take the steps to connecting with the motivated sellers on the market. Networking with professionals in your area (real estate agents, lawyers, etc) is one good way to finding motivated sellers. You may be the first one to know about estate sales, divorce properties, etc. Service people are another good resource. Your letter carrier, lawn guy, newspaper delivery person may know more about what is going on in the neighborhood than anybody else. Let them know that you are looking for motivated sellers, you may be pleasantly surprised!

Last but no least- ADVERTISE! Street signs, magnetic car signs, business cards, fliers, and door hangers are just a few of the ways that you can get the word out. Let others know that you are looking to buy property, and work with your real estate agent to find the motivated sellers and make the most of the deals that you find.

To claim your FREE CD filled with 7-Golden Secrets to finding motivated sellers please visit http://www.howtofindmotivatedsellers.com/ and get 2 months FREE charter membership to http://www.investorfortune.com/

Thursday, August 23, 2007

How To Find Motivated Sellers? 5 Proven Methods

Let’s face it; you want to buy a house for the lowest amount possible, while the seller wants to sell their house for the highest amount possible. Pretty simple right? That is of course, unless you find a motivated seller. Finding a motivated seller changes the dynamic of the real estate transaction. Suddenly, you have a seller that is willing to do just about anything to get a piece of property off their hands, and all you have to do is be there for the taking. Below you will tips and tricks on how to find a motivated seller, what to do once you have found one, and how to make the most out of the situation.

Who is a motivated seller?

Before we discuss how to find a motivated seller, we need to figure out who a motivated seller is?. Basically a motivated seller is considered anyone that is anxious to sell their property. They will often sell it for less than market value, just to get rid of it quick. Here are some of the most common types of motivated sellers on the market today
1.Divorce- Divorce and family problems are the #1 reason for motivated sellers. When emotions and lawyers get involved, people are likely to do crazy things. Like sell their house for way below market value! In nasty divorces, you may find someone willing to sell their house for much less, just so that their spouse gets less money in the divorce. While the premises behind these motivated sellers can be nasty- the savings are very real.

2.Moving to a new home- the majority of sellers are buying another home to replace the one that they are selling. They will either hold off on closing until they sell their current home, or they will move into their new home and carry two mortgages until their first home sells. This situation can lead to a motivated seller really fast!

3.Death in the family- Emotions play a big role in finding motivated sellers, and death is just another reason people are motivated to sell. Sometimes the spouse doesn’t want to stay in a house because it has painful memories, or maybe they can no longer afford the monthly mortgage payment. If the house is part of an estate, the seller may be motivated to get the property off their hands in lieu of high property or estate taxes.

4.Job Matters- A new job can be exciting, but if it means moving to a different city the seller can become stressed out quickly. The working spouse may move to the new city, while leaving their spouse behind to hold down the fort until their home sells. When weeks turn into months- the sellers become more motivated to get the property off their hands and get their family back together.

5.Foreclosures- foreclosures can be a real find! There are basically two ways that you can find such properties. First, you may find motivated sellers that want to get the property off their hands before the foreclosure is complete. That way they don’t have to worry about the blemish on their credit history. The second chance for a motivated seller is after the house has already been taken over by the bank. They obviously want to get it off their bottom line.

Everyone is motivated- to a point

The thing to remember is that almost every real estate transaction involves a motivated seller- to a point. When you are viewing houses, the ones that are vacant are usually a good indication of a motivated sale. Every month that the house remains on the market, is lost money for the seller. So any offer, even if it’s below market value is likely to be seriously considered.

Finding the Motivated Seller

There are dozens of ways to find a motivated seller. Once you know what to look for, the process becomes a whole lot simpler. Make sure to speak with your real estate agent, as they are your best bet when it comes to finding a motivated seller. They know the ins and outs of the market, and will be able to help you find the best deal for your particular wants and needs. Happy hunting!

To claim your FREE CD filled with 7-Golden Secrets to finding motivated sellers please visit http://www.howtofindmotivatedsellers.com/ and get 2 months FREE charter membership to http://www.investorfortune.com/